
Landscape Services

Plants & Palms

Punta Gorda Nursery

Wholesale Plants Punta Gorda

plants and palms

Landscape Services

plants and palms

Plants & Palms



The process of purchasing plants and trees usually follows a stretch of research and planning meant to make the most of the existing landscape. Keeping the design balanced is the goal even while promoting depth and style. The experienced, well-trained staff at Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape can provide knowledgeable guidance to make sure that you consider appropriate factors as you shop. We even offer landscape design as an extra service. Call for an appointment.

Wholesale Plants Punta GordaLandscaping customers come in with all sorts of plans in mind. Some have a prepared plan with a shopping list ready. Others want to browse and see what plants they like best. Make sure to consider the landscape in question and match the plants to the soil, sun exposure, color, and other factors. We’re always happy to provide helpful info as you make these decisions.

Landscape contractors and Other Wholesale Purchasers

Time is money. Whether you’re a contractor, community manager, resort developer, or another mass purchaser of plants and trees, discover the haste with which we at Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape meet your needs. In addition to providing an excellent source for purchase, we can also provide delivery, and due to our diligent care and monitoring, you can be confident in the quality of plants and trees we provide.

Plants That Bloom

Flowering plants offer color, texture, and drama to your landscape. At Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape, we offer annuals and perennials in a range of dynamic aesthetics. The choices of flowering plants should stagger bloom times to make sure that you have year-round color within your landscape design. The flowers we sell most commonly are Ixora, Bougainvillea, Hibiscus, Firebush, and Oleander.

Plants for Growing Underneath a Tropical Canopy

When your trees reach full height, you’ll likely have a yard full of shade. Growing plants in these shaded spots might seem impossible, but you just have to choose the right plants. Plants that love shade, like Xanadu, Variegated Ginger, Philodendron, Red Congo, and Cordyline Black Magic contribute texture and greenery.

Plants for Defining Spaces and Creating Lines

Shrubs work well when you need a clear line of sight for paths, walkways, and boundaries. They can provide a living texture and color, adjustable heights, and a sense of completeness to any landscape. Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape offers many types of shrubs, including Arboricola, Red Tipped Cocoplum, Crotons, Clusia, and Blue Agave.

The plants ultimately purchased should work well as a whole. Consider your purchases individually and in combination to make sure that an appropriate level of depth and aesthetic are achieved. We offer landscape design services and a staff of knowledgeable professionals ready to help with answers and solutions at the level of guidance your shopping requires.

Your purchase can be completed in person or via the phone. We can deliver, and we can also provide guidance and landscaping services for your purchases. If your time is full and your ability limited, let the professionals handle the perfection of your landscaping vision.

Finding wholesale sources for plants in Punta Gorda is easy. Stop in or call Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape. We’ve worked diligently to develop best practices that can service your landscaping needs from the idea stage to implementation and beyond. Our contact number is 239-362-4327, and we have a full staff of professionals ready to take your order, schedule delivery, or help in any other way you might need.

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