
Landscape Services

Plants & Palms

Punta Gorda Nursery

Palm Tree Installation Services Punta Gorda, Florida

plants and palms

Landscape Services

plants and palms

Plants & Palms



Installing palm trees is a pretty common method of enhancing properties in areas like Punta Gorda, around Southwest Florida. Golf courses, resorts, restaurants, community beautification committees, municipalities, and all sorts of other property owners and managers seek quality palm trees paired with installation services. Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape is a great source for both.

Step One: Choosing the Tree

Palm Tree Installation Services Punta Gorda, FloridaPalm trees come in many different types and sizes. Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape has several varieties, and we grow them ourselves so that we can offer a range of sizes as well. As you contemplate the right palm trees for your property, consider the areas that you’re looking to plant and the characteristics of the available palms.

In areas where you need the shade of a mature tree as soon as possible, you should choose larger trees. It’s also helpful to remember that more mature trees survive transplantation better. However, smaller, less mature trees can be less expensive if you’re buying many or when budget is an issue.

For help making sure that the palm tree you choose matches the location and the purpose, call on us. We are happy to provide landscaping design services for your assistance.

Step Two: Delivery and Planting

Once you know which tree, or trees, you need for the property in question, we can deliver and install the tree on your behalf. While some may choose to pursue DIY palm installation, it’s not suggested.

Planting a palm tree isn’t a simple endeavor. Beginning with the removal of the roots from the ground, if delicate, skillful methods aren’t used, the tree can be damaged and even killed. Instead of pulling the roots, they should be cut from the ground. As the tree is moved, the roots must be supported from below to minimize the gravitational pressure on the roots. The tree should also be fastened securely but without chains that could damage the trunk.

When your palm tree arrives, it should be healthy and minimally stressed prior to planting. Professional installers can accomplish this exactly as required. After the tree is planted, the palm ought to be staked with wooden braces. Staking the tree will keep it from falling and allow the roots to become established. We can apply the appropriate protection without damaging your tree.

Step Three: Follow-Up Care

After your palm tree is planted, it will crave water and lots of it. For the first month, you should plan to water daily and two or three times weekly during the second and third months. After your tree is acclimated to its new home, your palm tree should tolerate precipitation with occasional watering during times of no rain.

Your palm tree will need to be fertilized but not immediately when it’s planted. You should wait a few weeks to make sure that the roots aren’t damaged. Choose “palm tree” fertilizer and follow the directions exactly. Alternatively, you can call on a landscaping company to take care of this task as well.

The perfect Florida property includes healthy, beautiful palm trees. Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape in Punta Gorda can happily provide a wide-ranging stock of palm trees as well as the installation services required for them to grow well. Our commitment to spreading the tropical beauty of palm trees around Southwest Florida is real!

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