
Landscape Services

Plants & Palms

Punta Gorda Nursery

Buy Orange Trees Punta Gorda

plants and palms

Landscape Services

plants and palms

Plants & Palms



Imagine walking into your yard and stepping back inside with freshly picked oranges for fresh-squeezed juice with breakfast. This delightful day’s beginning can be reality when you live in sunny and warm Southwest Florida. If this image inspires you to buy orange trees in Punta Gorda, make your way to Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape where plenty of healthy trees and informed staff await the opportunity to help make your orange growing goals happen!

Here at Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape the orange tree that you purchase will be disease and pest free and in the height of health. You won’t have to worry that the tree won’t grow, because we raise what we sell on our tree farm on Pine Island.

How Should You Grow Your Orange Tree?

Whether you grow your orange tree in a container or in the ground will depend on a variety of elements. The size of your yard, the level of your interest, and the properties of your soil will all be factors in how you grow your tree. A container bound tree will be limited in growth but easier to move around, while an entire orchard of orange trees will be a valuable addition to your property.

What Do You Need to Know about Planting Your Orange Tree?

The work of growing orange trees isn’t difficult, but a few key elements do matter.

Placement – The perfect spot will receive full sunlight. It will also offer a clear 15-foot circumference around the spot above, at, and below ground level. When possible, place your trees with a screen of some sort – either natural or artificial – from the north wind. If freezing temperatures occur, protect your tree appropriately. With the right environment and care, your orange tree should produce in about three growing seasons or so.

Fertilizer – Orange trees require fertilizer regularly. With citrus fertilizer, apply several minor applications throughout the growing months for the first three years of growth. Remember to check the instructions carefully and follow directions. If you don’t, you risk damaging your orange tree unnecessarily.

Water and Drainage – Whether pot bound or in-ground, your orange tree demands plentiful water without sogginess. You’ll need to make sure that the potting soil or ground drains appropriately because roots left lying in water for periods of time will result in root decay and tree death. In some cases, gravel or sand mixed into the soil may be an appropriate remedy for a situation where the proper drainage isn’t occurring.

What Should I Know about Picking My Fruit?

An inexperienced, hasty hand picking fruit can cause harm to your tree. When your oranges come in, don’t let your pride and anticipation ruin the experience. Remember these key points:

  1. Employ a gentle pull and snap method
  2. Pick only ripe fruit (Ripening stops once picked.)
  3. Wash each piece as you get ready to eat it and not before.
  4. Learn to make preserves and prepare for a season marked by delicious fruit and juice!

To take full advantage of the lifestyle and climate common to Florida, grow your own orange trees! It’s not too difficult or costly. If you’re interested in learning more or want to buy orange trees in Punta Gorda, stop in or call the friendly staff at Beltran’s Nursery and Landscape. Our number is 239-362-4327 for help with questions, purchases, installation, or growing. Our passion for Florida living ought to be contagious, and we’re happy to help spread it!

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